Jorge and Aroa

Jorge and Aroa are coming to SF Bay Area, California to be part of Baychata Academy resident artist! Jorge y Aroa are international bachata artists from Spain who have received top recognition in both teaching and performing at the international level. They will be teaching 4 hours training bootcamp on August 3rd, 2024. Social will be held later in the evening from 9 pm-2 am. Full Pass price: $125, Social price: $25. Reserve your spot today!

Eventbrite Bootcamp Link: Registration Tickets



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Event Details & Schedule

4 Hours training and social dancing with bachata sensual artists, Jorge and Aroa!


August 3rd, 2024:

3:30-4:00 PM Registration
4:00-6:00 PM 2 HR Bachata Sensual Training
6:00-7:00 PM Break
7:00-9:00 AM 2 HR Bachata Sensual Training
9:00-2:00 AM Social Dancing


Arete Dance Center – Saturday August 3rd, 2024

979 Fremont Ave, Los Altos, CA 94024

Ticket Pricing

Full Package (4 Hour Workshop and Social): $125

Social Only with DJ Encannto: $25

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